18 November 2023

The joint security forces have given an ultimatum of seven days to the cattle rustlers from the Tepeth community in Moroto to voluntarily hand over the illegal guns and stolen livestock in their possession.

Speaking at the security-community meeting held at Lokidet village, Katikikile Sub-county in Moroto district,  the 3 Division Deputy Commander Brigadier General Felix Busizoori said, "Several lives have been lost due to the gun violence. For the sake of peacebuilding, I urge you to surrender all the illegal guns within seven days."

He cautioned the Tepeth community to respect the rule of law by surrendering illegal guns for security to prevail.

Brig Gen Busizoori appealed to the community leaders to mobilize the cattle rustlers to return the stolen cows from Rupa Sub-county and other communities. 

He encouraged the community to cooperate with security forces and respective disarmament committees by providing timely and credible information to cause desirable effects.

Brig Gen Busizoori reminded the community that whoever volunteers to hand over a gun will not be prosecuted, but issued with a disarmament certificate so that they can benefit from Government programmes.

On their part, Members of Parliament, Hon. Lolem Mica and Hon. Albert Lokuru of Upe County in Amudat and Tepeth County in Moroto district respectively applauded the UPDF for good work and respect for civilians. 

Both MPs appealed to the constituents to denounce criminality and tasked them to convey messages of peace to the Tepeth suspected cattle rustlers to return stolen cows to security committees to expedite the handover to rightful owners for transparency and trust.

Present at the security-community meeting were senior security officers and community leaders.

Major  Moses Amuya 
Acting Public Information Officer 
3 Division
