Ugandans and, especially the Bazukulu. Further to my message of the 9th August, 2023, I would like to reiterate that foreign aid and loans are welcome and can be of some use if designed and executed by patriots (not neo-colonial agents), but are neither decisive nor indispensable elements for our desired social-economic transformation. On the contrary, those loans and aid packages, can be a source of distortion and stunted growth as you can see across Africa. If foreign aid and loans, are a source of social- economic transformation, why the present growing crisis of even security and stability in Africa? Look at Guinnea-Conakry, Mali, Burkina-Faso, Niger, Central African Republic, DRC, Boko Haram in Nigeria, Somalia, Mozambique, etc. Most of these Countries, have been getting those grants and loans. Read Full speech (PDF)
