In the World through which I travel, I am endlessly creating myself. - Frantz Fanon
Frantz Fanon never visited Uganda and yet, we are nearly certain that if he had, he would have been more magnanimous than Henry Morton Stanley was when in 1885, on a mission to “discover” a vast new colony for Belgium’s monarch - Leopold II, beheld the imperial majesty of the mountains, lakes, rivers, grasslands and forests of Uganda.
This magnificent display of nature caused Stanley to label our country The Pearl of Africa. Indeed, nearly twenty-three years later in 1908, Winston Churchill affirmed Stanley when he wrote: For magnificence, for variety of form and color, for profusion of brilliant life - bird, insect, reptile, beast – for vast scale, Uganda is truly ‘The Pearl Of Africa.’
For us, our government’s continued investment in our national road infrastructure, the ongoing renovation works and modernizing of Entebbe International Airport ( including all our Aerodromes) as well as the support given to investors in our Tourism sector are all geared to facilitating the endless creation of Ugandans and our International visitors.
Maya Muller, for whom we credit this week’s “Photo Of The Week” was in her own words “Charmed by all that Uganda has to offer including elephants” and the “opportunities “to empower people through sustainable vegetable production practices!”
We at Ushindi couldn’t agree more.
#ExploreDiscoverTasteUganda #Musevenomics