My grandfather used to say: Baana'bangye kuribushesheera ehi butashesheera, am'manzi namafuura garyahemuuka! (On that day when the sun shines where it is not supposed to, Kings and their Generals will fall short! )
It feels (or is it fills?!) me with great pride that in these often uncertain times, many of us can still spare time to pray and commensurate with our beloved Mzee Yoweri Tibuhaburwa Museveni mwene Kaguta owa' Basiita ba Mpororo as he gallantly, assuredly and confidently battles the Covid19 disease. That he will emerge triumphant is not in doubt.
Neither is the warmth in which we continue to hold him. This warmth is a testament that hopes for the moral fabric of our society, although it be bruised by darkness men like SP Irama bring to our communes with their disregard for the sanctity of human life, is, by good grace, alive and well.
Indeed, was it not that American theorist, lawyer, and President, John Quincy Adams who extolled us thus: If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more you are a leader.?!
Our outpouring of love towards Mzee - through these messages as indeed through many thousands more on social media is testimony that in imitation of Mzee, we continue to be inspired by, learn from, and do more. Surely the Covid19 that sought to derail the path of progress that Yoweri mwene Kaguta continues to set for our Uganda and Africa falters?!
In the same breath, I ask that we all continue to lift our Emeritus Premier the Rt. Hon. Amama Mbabazi to Our Father In Heaven. May his recovery be quick and smooth. We need him.
Indeed, Uganda and Africa still need both of them.
For God and My Country.
Besi "Pi" Andrew